Neurological Rock Stars 2 – Parkinson’s Nautrally blog by Fred Phillips

Please follow the link to Fred Phillips Blog, and inspiring story of treating parkinson’s nautrally. Fred has taken the time and care to write about how he is using diet, yoga, meditation and emotional healing to treat his Parkinson’s disease symptoms.

His diet advice in particular in relation to inflammation and the relationship between gut and immune system function are really useful (to me especially! 🙂 ).

Fred has a very good understanding of the physiology of the body and how it all inter-relates.

Fred has also written a book about healing.

Fred is also a KARATE TEACHER!!! 🙂


Anybody who experiences headaches or migraine of any kind will appreciate this post on migraine and shiatsu!

Get in touch!

Nature is so unkind. Not only do women have the sole responsibility for childbirth and monthly menstruation for 30+ years of our lives, but we also suffer from debilitating migraines 3 times more than men. Although young boys may suffer from migraines more often than girls, after puberty approximately 18% of women will exhibit signs of a migraine within their lifetime while only 6% of men experience this painful condition.

Along with a hormonal connection, migraines appear to have a genetic component as well. If one parent suffers from migraines, their child has a 40% chance of experiencing them, too. If both parents exhibit symptoms of migraines, the incidence in their child increases to a staggering 90%!

Migraines differ from normal tension headaches in that pain is normally concentrated on one side of the head and accompanied by a host of other symptoms including light, smell, or sound sensitivities, disturbed…

View original post 427 more words

Epilepsy and Migraine Could Have A Shared Genetic Link BBC News

Some of you may have seen this already but the BBC have reported on Epilepsy and Migraine may have a shared genetic link.

The study was done by Colombia University New York and show a higher incidence of Migraine in relatives of people closely related with epilepsy.

To some the idea that epilepsy and migraine are related is not new, but this is an interesting study.

Thanks for passing it on mum!


Music and the Mind – Avatar Music For Health?

This post is inspired by the blog:

Another area around music and brain caught my eye today.

Eduardo Miranda (1) is featured in the BBC report

for his work in Brain Computer interfaces(2).

His research at Plymouth university (3) where ‘music’ meets ‘avatar’, is funded to breakdown Beethoven’s seventh symphony and reinterpret the music on a computer as heard by 3 individuals, a ballerina, a gulf war veteran and Dr Miranda himself.(4)

All the subjects underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanning to take pictures of the emotional responses to the music in the brain so that they could be reapplied to the 2nd movement of Beethoven’s 7th symphony.

Listening to the BBC report is fascinating, as you can hear the difference between the ballerina’s more jerky interpretation of the music (Dr Miranda puts this down to her possible use of body movement in interpretation of music), whereas Dr Miranda’s version is more fluid and different instruments are more audible, he thinks this is because he hears it as someone who plays the piano.

The brain computer interface has also been used by Dr Miranda’s team to help someone with ‘locked in syndrome’ (5) to make music from their brainwaves. Electrodes trigger music from the brainwaves.

The results are a bit weird, but they are wonderful, and Dr Miranda hopes to utilise the technology to perhaps invent a prescription of musical health for people suffering from depression and other emotional health problems, by identifying patterns of brain waves and changing them.

Maybe one day this will even help epilepsy?!

Some basic information about brainwave states can be found at:

As well as some information about Neurofeedback Therapy which has already been used to treat epilepsy as well as migraine, autism, sleep deregulation and others at:





