So here we are again, new town same old attitudes, same old racist abilist mysoginists two faced people who think they are entitled to your information, so they resort to breaking in.

With police officers pretending that they want to help you, and the ‘real hero’s’ like constable louise & Kim encouraging disabled people to write ‘Anne Frank’s’ diary.

This time it’s gone up a level because Apple Store have been pretending that they haven’t been using the old mobile phone to access my technology after the phone mysteriously died after it went dark in January after a visit from a ‘friend’.

Nearly lost count of the times Iv been on the phone to apple support and all I have is some arse hole who wants me to write to Ireland.

That would explain why someone has walked off with the TV and printer, so that I have to make a public blog post because it’s quicker to blog about crime and racism than contact Apple Park to let them know that a bunch of racists have been fucking around with my cloud and IT.

Nearly lost count of the number of photos of old boyfriends that have disappeared.

Remarkably the letters that show that a 64 year old man child spent 10 years grooming me seem to still be up there. ( until someone starts to photoshop them like they did to my tenancy agreement).

Can’t decide if they want me to download them so that someone can break in and stick a usb into a piece of technology so that a member of the press can get a momento and carry on pretending that they are helping disabled people.

Don’t think they have rammed it home enough that disability doesn’t go away. Think it would help if I wore a t-shirt that said disabled and walked around so that people can pretend that the whole street isn’t in on the break in.

That many documents have disappeared from my filing cabinet that I have put the vibrators in there to reinforce what happens when people go through your draws.

Already concerned that the gas engineer and electrician who were banned from the property got in and got a thrill out of taking some of my underwear. Can’t work out who is going through the bin, the council, social services,nhs and police force seem to be so unable to do their jobs that it could be any of them given the number of people using WhatsApp to monitor my daily activities.

Have resorted to turning the shower on several times in the morning so that the person that broke in whilst I was in there a poured blood on my sheet’s doesn’t get away with it.

The family are still throwing a tantrum as ‘ mother knows best’ is only able to get information from the rats on Facebook and the people pretending that they don’t know where I live. (and my blog).

Lost count of the number of so called friends that are pretending that breaking and entering is my ‘imagination’ and that the last 10-15 years is just one long psychotic episode.

Am waiting to find out if my landlord is my brother in law which would explain the massive number people following me on the train who want me to focus on Alzheimer’s. The biggest abuse of power and private sector security services I have ever witnessed.

Either that or the twats who have hacked into my iPad have been there since the nhs stole my things at the time I was in hospital.

Could be the biggest ever terrorist attack if that many nhs employees went through and stole the data of the 200,000 people that died of covid.

Dr ‘F’ still writing to the ombudsman pretending that I don’t have epilepsy.

Can’t wait for the next benefit assessment when the assessor sits in front of me and tells me that Iv scored 0 point’s because epilepsy, ptsd, post ictal psychosis ( starvation induced by lack of social and healthcare) and long covid isn’t real and that I would be better off down the job centre where they can finish ruining my health and shovel me with some more medication to make it all go away.

By that time the tribunal service will have no accurate information because that many people have been hacking my IT and replacing original documents that the tribunal service and dwp will have lost all the original records and I’ll be fitted up for benefit fraud.

I think that that was probably the idea all along given that when I was in hospital I was supposed to think I didn’t have epilepsy and that it was committing benefit fraud. might explain why the government have been polishing their housing crisis halos.

That would make the two face racists at the KUGB and UKTQF & UKTAF very happy because disabled women don’t do martial arts and they shouldn’t stand up to mysoginy in men and women who want you to ‘push through it’ and ‘man up’ whilst they snort cocaine, do steroids and hospitalise women who study Chinese medicine so that they can get a job.

Every single one of those martial arts instructors should have gone to prison for what they did to me.

Enjoy the idea that at least one person is going to find it really irritating that I have named this post ‘do us a favour and kill yourself’.

Think that people who study medicine should have a better attitude towards not just to disability but mental health, I really worry that there are that many people who call themselves healers out there who think I won’t remember that they wanted me to do them a favour and kill myself. The College of Integrated Chinese Medicine is more fragmented that most of the organisations I have ever worked for because they believe that they have the right to pull people apart because they have intelligence privileges.

Is it any wonder disabled people can’t get on in life.

We’re supposed to sit at home and let people carry on abusing us.